Anglican international bodies
The three formal Instruments of Communion are the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates' Meeting. The Lambeth Conference is a gathering of the bishops of the Anglican Communion, at the personal invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, that usually takes place every ten years. The first was held in 1867 at Lambeth Palace, but as numbers grew the Conference moved to Canterbury. The Anglican Consultative Council was formed following a resolution of the 1968 Lambeth Conference. It brings together bishops, clergy and laity from around the Provinces and churches of the Communion every three years. The Archbishop of Canterbury is its President. The Primates Meeting, which the Archbishop of Canterbury convenes, brings together the senior archbishop or bishop (sometimes called "moderator") of each Province for prayer and reflection on matters of shared concern.
An article about the history of the Lambeth Conference can be found here
See also: Lambeth Conference website, Anglican Consultative Council and Primates' Meetings (external links)
Recent items relating to Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates' Meeting are shown below:
November 2012

General Synod: Archbishop heralds "another model of Church life coming to birth"
19 November 2012
On the first day of General Synod, November Group of Sessions 2012, the Archbishop reflected on the Anglican…

Archbishop: "My successor needs a newspaper in one hand and a Bible in the other"
7 November 2012
The next Archbishop of Canterbury will need to preach “with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in…

Archbishop: "Beware the danger of becoming less than we aspire to be as a Communion"
4 November 2012
In his final Presidential address to the Anglican Consultative Council, the Archbishop this evening told…
October 2012

Archbishop's sermon at ACC-15 on 'the reckless love of God'
28 October 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams gave the sermon at the opening Eucharist for the Anglican Consultative Council…

Archbishop's reply to welcome at ACC-15
27 October 2012
Auckland's Anglican students welcomed Archbishop Rowan Williams with a Haka Powhiri at the start of the…

Archbishop attends Anglican Consultative Council in New Zealand
27 October 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is attending the 15th meeting of the Anglican Consultative…
November 2011

Archbishop's Advent letter to Anglican Primates
30 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has sent the following Advent letter to the Primates…
March 2011
Archbishop's Lent letter 2011
12 March 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has written a Lent letter addressed to the Primates…
May 2010
Archbishop of Canterbury's Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion
28 May 2010
In his Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury encourages Anglicans…
February 2010
Archbishop's statement on Bishop Mouneer's resignation from SCAC
1 February 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, today expressed his regret at the decision of the Most…