Anglican international bodies
The three formal Instruments of Communion are the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates' Meeting. The Lambeth Conference is a gathering of the bishops of the Anglican Communion, at the personal invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, that usually takes place every ten years. The first was held in 1867 at Lambeth Palace, but as numbers grew the Conference moved to Canterbury. The Anglican Consultative Council was formed following a resolution of the 1968 Lambeth Conference. It brings together bishops, clergy and laity from around the Provinces and churches of the Communion every three years. The Archbishop of Canterbury is its President. The Primates Meeting, which the Archbishop of Canterbury convenes, brings together the senior archbishop or bishop (sometimes called "moderator") of each Province for prayer and reflection on matters of shared concern.
An article about the history of the Lambeth Conference can be found here
See also: Lambeth Conference website, Anglican Consultative Council and Primates' Meetings (external links)
Recent items relating to Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates' Meeting are shown below:
May 2009
Archbishop at the Press Briefing at the ACC Meeting
12 May 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, shares his thoughts on the ACC meeting and answers questions…
Archbishop's Presidential Address to the 14th Meeting of the ACC
11 May 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury reflects on the achievements of the ACC meeting.

Sermon of Dedication of the New Church of St John
10 May 2009
The Archbishoph preached at a service held at the Church of St John, Vere, Clarendon, Jamaica.
Photos from the Archbishop's Courtesy Call to the Jamaican Prime Minister, The Honourable Orette Bruce Golding, MP
8 May 2009
Some photos from the Archbishop's Courtesy Call to the Jamaican Prime Minister, The Honourable Orette…

Sermon on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council
3 May 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, preached at the service held at the National Arena,…
February 2009

The Archbishop's Presidential Address, General Synod February 2009
10 February 2009
Impressions from the Lambeth Conference; Archbishops' appeal for Zimbabwe and women in the episcopate.…
Primates Meeting Communiqué
5 February 2009
Deeper Communion; Gracious Restraint: A Letter from Alexandria to the Churches of the Anglican Communion
Primates Meeting begins with celebration in Egypt
2 February 2009
The first day of the Primates Meeting in Alexandria has ended with the dedication of St. Mark's pro-Cathedral…
January 2009
Archbishop meets with relief and development practitioners
22 January 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, met last week with an invited group of relief and development…
November 2008
Archbishop's letter to Moderators of the Churches of North India and South India
14 November 2008
The Archbishop wrote earlier this week to the Moderators of the Church of North India and the Church…