Ecumenical Relationships
The Archbishop of Canterbury plays a lead role in nurturing Anglican relationships with other churches worldwide and at home. This involves regular meetings with leaders of other churches, experiencing first hand the life and ministry of other churches and advancing ecumenical dialogue, theological reflection and co-operation in mission.
The Archbishop is supported in his ecumenical role by staff at Lambeth Palace, the Anglican Communion Office and the Church of England Council for Christian Unity, together with Church of England bishops who specialise in particular ecumenical relationships. He also has personal representatives ("apocrisiarioi") to Byzantine Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches, as well as to the Vatican.
Recent items relating to Ecumenical Relationships are shown below:
December 2012

Archbishop's Ecumenical Letter to Churches
21 December 2012
In his ecumenical Christmas Letter to the heads of other Churches and Christian world communions, Archbishop…

Archbishop's homily for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
7 December 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams delivered the homily at the First Vespers of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception…

Archbishop expresses sorrow at the death of Patriarch Ignatius IV
6 December 2012
A Message of Condolence from The Archbishop of Canterbury to Their Eminences the Members of the Holy…

Archbishop Names New Representative to the Holy See
4 December 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams and the Governors of the Anglican Centre in Rome are…
November 2012

Archbishop sends delegation to enthronement of new Coptic Pope
18 November 2012
The Archbishop sent the following message to the enthronement of His Holiness Pope Tawadros of the Coptic…
October 2012

Archbishop assures Coptic Orthodox of ‘special intensity’ of prayer
30 October 2012
The following message was read at the celebration of the Coptic New Year (Nayrouz) in St Margaret’s…

Joint letter to Catholic and Anglican Archbishops of Juba
18 October 2012
The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,…

Archbishop's interview with Vatican Radio
11 October 2012
Following his address to the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican on Wednesday, the Archbishop of Canterbury,…

Archbishop’s address to the Synod of Bishops in Rome
10 October 2012
In the first address by an Archbishop of Canterbury to the Synod of Bishops in Rome, Archbishop Rowan…
August 2012

Applicants sought for post in Rome
14 August 2012
Applications are invited for the post of Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See…