Inter Religious
The Archbishop of Canterbury is widely respected as a leading advocate and proponent of dialogue between the different faiths. His inter religious engagement is rooted in a concern for the good of humanity in society and a conviction that religious belief and practice have immense contributions to make to the common good.
This potential is heightened when communities of faith understand each other and work together on inter religious relations or dialogue.
Furthermore both the Church of England and the Churches of the global Anglican Communion are increasingly required to be able to engage with people and communities of other religions around them; and in ways that are consistent with the Church's understanding of its gospel based mission and ministry.
The Archbishop is therefore leading a process of engagement with an increasingly religiously plural English society, as well as with those parts of the world where religious plurality has been normal for centuries.
He has taken forward the Building Bridges Seminars, initiatives begun by his predecessor that bring together Christian and Muslim scholars from across the world and regularly speaks on Christian themes to audiences of different faiths. He has supported frameworks in the UK for dialogue within which greater understanding and mutual respect can develop, such as the Christian Muslim Forum and the further development of the Hindu Christian Forum. He has also formed close relationships with the Chief Rabbi and Jewish communities through the Council of Christians and Jews and in support for events such as the annual Holocaust Memorial Day.
Recent items relating to Inter Religious dialogue are shown below:
December 2012

Archbishop welcomes Ephraim Mirvis as next Chief Rabbi
19 December 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has welcomed the appointment of Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis…

Archbishop hosts reception to celebrate a decade of Christian Jewish relations
5 December 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams hosted a reception to celebrate a decade of Christian…
November 2012

Archbishop and Chief Rabbi's personal farewell
14 November 2012
In a warm meeting at Lambeth Palace yesterday, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and the…

Archbishop wishes ‘joyful celebration’ to Hindu communities in his 2012 Diwali greeting
12 November 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury has today sent wishes for ‘joyful celebration’ to Hindu communities…
October 2012

Archbishop's addresses translated for Islamic audiences
9 October 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, today launched the first collection of the his lectures…

Archbishop hosts conference on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
1 October 2012
Today’s conference on pilgrimage to the Holy Land followed on from the July 2011 Lambeth Palace conference…
September 2012

Archbishop sends greetings on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah 2012
14 September 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has sent a greeting to Jewish communities on the occasion…
August 2012

Archbishop’s 2012 Eid message
17 August 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has sent his annual greetings to Muslim communities…
July 2012

Communique of the sixth meeting of the Anglican-Jewish Commission
31 July 2012
The Anglican-Jewish Commission of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel has…
June 2012

'Faith, Poverty and Justice' - Lambeth Palace Inter-Faith Event with DFID
26 June 2012
Lambeth Palace hosted a launch of the Department for International Development’s 'Faith Partnership…