Sustaining common life in the Anglican Communion
A demanding aspect of the Archbishop's role as focus of unity is his capacity to encourage conversation and resolution where there is disagreement between different parts of the Communion. A central feature of this is currently the deep-rooted dispute over human sexuality and the appropriate limits of diversity within the Anglican Communion. This controversial area and its outworking through the 2004 Windsor Report have been very much to the fore over recent years. With a view to strengthening the ways in which the Communion's member churches relate to each other, the Archbishop has given strong support to the proposal (emerging from the Windsor Report) for an Anglican Covenant. After much work and consideration across the Anglican Communion, the Anglican Consultative Council has now finalized the text and offered the Covenant for adoption to the member churches.
Alongside this, the Archbishop supports the Continuing Indaba project, a biblically-based and mission-focused project designed to develop and intensify relationships within the Anglican Communion by drawing on cultural models of consensus building for mutual creative action. For more information on Continuing Indaba, see here.
Recent items relating to Anglican Covenant, Windsor Process and Continuing Indaba are shown below:
August 2008
Concluding Presidential Address to the Lambeth Conference
3 August 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivers his Presidential Address at the end of the…
Final press conference at the Lambeth Conference
3 August 2008
A press conference with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, held on Sunday August 3rd 2008…
July 2008

Archbishop's Second Presidential Address at Lambeth Conference
29 July 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at the Lambeth Conference 2008.

The Relationship between the People and God
28 July 2008
Address from Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth,…

Archbishop's First Presidential Address at Lambeth Conference
20 July 2008
With stirring words the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, opened the first full plenary session…
June 2008
Archbishop responds to GAFCON statement
30 June 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has responded to the final declaration of the Global…
Joint statement by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York regarding St Bartholomew-the-Great
17 June 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop of York have issued the following statement:
February 2008
Debate on a Covenant for the Anglican Communion
13 February 2008
Archbishop's Contribution at the General Synod
Archbishop appoints Windsor Continuation Group
12 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury announced the formation of the Windsor Continuation Group (WCG), as proposed…
January 2008
Questions and Answers from the Launch of Lambeth Conference
21 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and his wife Mrs Jane Williams, answer questions about…