Items tagged with: Press releases
March 2012

Pedal power at Lambeth - Shrinking the Footprint supports Rabbi relay bike ride
14 March 2012
Cycling Church of England staff and London clergy stopped off at Lambeth Palace on their way to work…

Archbishop on BBC Radio 3 - Vernon Watkins: Swansea's Other Poet
11 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams presents "Vernon Watkins: Swansea's Other Poet' in a programme broadcast on…

Archbishop's homily at Papal Vespers, San Gregorio Magno al Celio
10 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI led evening prayer together at the Church of San Gregorio…

Archbishop and Pope to pray together during Rome visit
9 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI will lead evening prayer together at the Church of San…

Archbishop’s Dialogue with Buddhist Leaders
5 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury met with Buddhist leaders at The Buddhist Society’s London headquarters…

Ecumenical and International Development gatherings in Geneva
1 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury travelled to Geneva for a three day visit (27th February – 1st March)…
February 2012

Human Rights and Religious Faith
28 February 2012
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights has made a profound impact in fighting injustice and is…
'Unity is God's gift to the church' - WCC roundtable in Geneva
28 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, in Geneva for a series of ecumenical and international development meetings,…

Archbishop on Bonhoeffer - what it means to be free
26 February 2012
In a sermon broadcast live on BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship, Archbishop Rowan Williams preached on the…

The Archbishop's Lent Book 2012: Love Unknown
24 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has chosen 'Love Unknown' by Ruth Burrows as his Lent…

Ash Wednesday Declaration - Operation Noah calls on church to tackle climate change
22 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury has signed the Ash Wednesday Declaration, launched by Operation Noah, which…

Lent is a chance to take stock and imagine a changed world
22 February 2012
This article, published in the Guardian, was written by Jane Williams, tutor in theology at the St Paul's…
Faith communities display sacred objects to the Queen
15 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury welcomed HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh to a multi-faith event…

Archbishop invites public nominations for £10,000 theology prize - deadline 16th March
9 February 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams is inviting members of the public to nominate titles for the Michael Ramsey…

General Synod: Archbishop speaks on recent violence in Nigeria
8 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that Nigeria is under threat of "disintegration" at the hands…