Items tagged with: Speeches
September 2011

Archbishop hosts conference on women's ministry
19 September 2011
'Transformations', a conference on women's ministry in the Church of England, was held at Lambeth Palace…

'The Word of God in Anglican Tradition' - Archbishop addresses Focolare bishops
8 September 2011
A presentation given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Ecumenical Gathering of Bishops associated…
August 2011

Archbishop speaks in House of Lords on unrest
11 August 2011
Following the recall of the House of Lords in response to the events of recent days, the Archbishop of…
July 2011

Conference on Christians in the Holy Land - speeches from the second day
21 July 2011
The following speeches are a selection of those made on the second day of the Conference on Christians…

Conference on Christians in the Holy Land - more speeches from the first day
21 July 2011
The following speeches are a selection of those made on the first day of the Conference on Christians…

Archbishops host International Conference on Christians in the Holy Land - opening speeches
21 July 2011
A two-day conference on Christians in the Holy Land began on Monday 18th July at Lambeth Palace.

Archbishop's speech at Conference on Christianity and Literature
15 July 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivered the following lecture entitled "Native speakers:…
Archbishop launches appeal for Christians in the Holy Land
12 July 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, launched an Appeal at General Synod's July 2011 Group…

Archbishop of Canterbury’s Presidential Address
9 July 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivered his Presidential Address today at the General…
June 2011
Divine presence and divine action: reflections in the wake of Nicholas Lash
30 June 2011
An address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, presented in absentia to a colloquium,…

Archbishop – sustainable development for a ‘new creation’
21 June 2011
As part of his visit to the Diocese of Machakos, the Archbishop of Canterbury went to the Christian Community…

Archbishop – faith is about ‘making a difference’
20 June 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, spent some time at a church and community mobilisation…

Archbishop hosts Annual Lambeth Inter Faith Lecture
8 June 2011
Professor Malcolm Evans of Bristol University delivered the Annual Lambeth Inter Faith Lecture at Lambeth…
May 2011

Building Bridges Christian-Muslim Seminar on Prayer
16 May 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, chaired the 10th Annual Building Bridges Seminar in…
TEAC consultation of Anglican Theological College Principals
13 May 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, addressed the first ever international consultation…