Items tagged with: Speeches
December 2011

Archbishop’s Pause for Thought message
15 December 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams has spoken on BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought programme to reassure listeners…

House of Lords Debate on Christians in the Middle East
9 December 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury introduced and closed an almost 5-hour debate in the House of Lords on the…

Archbishop's Ecumenical Letter to Churches
7 December 2011
In his ecumenical Christmas Letter to the heads of other Churches and Christian world communions, the…
November 2011

Archbishop - national safety net needed to help society’s ‘forgotten’ young runaways
30 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, paid a visit to The Children’s Society’s Safe In…
Archbishop's message to the Middle East Council of Churches
29 November 2011
A message of support from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, to delegates attending the…

Archbishop gives evidence to Joint Committee on House of Lords Reform
28 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave evidence in person to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Government's…

Archbishop's video message for Climate Change Talks in Durban
27 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has released a video message of support at a multi-faith…

'Long life to the diversity of communities'
21 November 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams, speaking at the launch of Inter Faith Week 2011, said that society desperately…

Archbishop's speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet
14 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivered a speech at the annual Lord Mayor of London's…

British Academy symposium: What should the Word of God sound like?
4 November 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke at a British Academy event examining the historical origins of the…
October 2011
Archbishop attends 'day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace' in Assisi
27 October 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams joined Pope Benedict XVI at a 'day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace'…

Archbishop addresses Zambian Clergy
12 October 2011
The Archbishop delivered a keynote address to the Zambian national clergy conference held in the Mindolo…

Archbishop visits Trinity Secondary School in Blantyre, Malawi
7 October 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams visited Trinity Secondary School, run by the Diocese of Southern Malawi, during…
September 2011

Archbishop's visit to Derby Diocese
25 September 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams visited the Diocese of Derby on 23rd-25th September 2011. The visit was hosted…

Archbishop addresses Anglican Academy and Secondary School Heads
22 September 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, welcomed the Conference of Anglican Academy and Secondary…