Items tagged with: Science
September 2012

Archbishop Rowan answers questions from Faraday Schools
11 September 2012
Students from the Faraday Schools project sent a bundle of letters to the Archbishop of Canterbury asking…
June 2012

'Help, my friends think I'm mad!' - Youth Day at Lambeth Palace
23 June 2012
Archbishop Rowan welcomed around 80 students aged 15-18 years to Lambeth Palace for a day of sharing…
February 2012

Dialogue with Archbishop Rowan Williams and Professor Richard Dawkins
23 February 2012
Sir Anthony Kenny chaired a dialogue at Oxford University between Archbishop Rowan Williams and Professor…
November 2010
Faraday Institute Public Lecture: 'Responses to the new Atheism'
19 November 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, participated in a public discussion with Terry Eagleton…
June 2010
Archbishop celebrates 350th Anniversary of the Royal Society
9 June 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury preached at a special evensong service at St Paul's Cathedral in celebration…
December 2009
Archbishop's BBC Radio Interview with Simon Mayo
16 December 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury was interviewed today on the Daily Mayo programme for BBC Five Live. The…
July 2009
'Inspiration, Truth and the Search for Understanding'
1 July 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, yesterday hosted a seminar at Lambeth Palace entitled…
June 2009

Archbishop in Istanbul - 8th Building Bridges Seminar
23 June 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, spent last week in Istanbul chairing the eighth Building…
July 2008
Archbishop explores 'reason' in New Scientist
26 July 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams explores the concept of 'reason' as part of a feature…
March 2008

Archbishop's Holy Week Lecture: Faith & Science
17 March 2008
A lecture given by The Archbishop of Canterbury in Westminster Abbey during Holy Week 2008 - the first…
February 2008
Faith in the Future
22 February 2008
Reflections and answers to questions given by the Archbishop of Canterbury on 22 February 2008, in Great…

Archbishop speaks to Scientists at Sanger Institute
22 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams visited the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, part of the…

Cambridge Consultations - 'A World to Believe in'
22 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York made a joint visit to Cambridge from 20 - 22…
April 2007
Easter 2007 Thought for the Day - New Heart
6 April 2007
The following is a transcript of the Archbishop's 'Thought For The Day' delivered on BBC Radio 4 on Good…