Cambridge Consultations - 'A World to Believe in'

Friday 22nd February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York made a joint visit to Cambridge from 20 - 22 February 2008. Their visit formed part of Cambridge Universities Consultations on Faith, Humanity and the Future entitled 'A World to Believe in'.During the three day visit, the Archbishop of Canterbury participated in a series of lectures and seminars as well as visiting the Oakington Immigration Detention Centre, The Sanger Institute and the Emmaus Community at Landbeach.
Full itinerary of the three-day visit packed with lectures, question and answers and significant events:
Wednesday 20th February
Visit to Oakington Immigration Reception Centre
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York began their visit to Cambridge by visiting the Oakington Immigration Detention Centre where they met the multi-faith chaplaincy team, as well as detainees and staff, to highlight the political and human rights issues before giving a homily at a short service.
Public lecture by Professor Bernard McGinn at the faculty of Divinity
Archbishop Rowan introduced the Emeritus Professor of Theology from Chicago University, Professor Bernard McGinn at a public lecture entitled "A Forgotten Classic of Western Spirituality: The Evangelical Pearl".
Archbishop's lecture: "What difference does it make? – the Gospel in contemporary culture"
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave a lecture at Great St. Mary's Church which was followed by a question and answer session from the audience.
Thursday 21st February
Morning Prayer and seminar with the Cambridge Federation
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York spoke to ordinands from the four theological colleges at Cambridge University in a seminar after Morning Prayer at Westminster College.
Archbishop's lecture: "Faith, Reason and Quality Assurance: Having Faith in Academic Life"
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave a lecture at The Babbage Lecture Theatre which was followed by a question and answer session from the audience.
Archbishop's book-signing at Heffers Bookshop
Dr Williams signed copies of his volumes of poetry and gave a personal insight to his literary work by discussing his experiences as poet and author as well as answering questions from the audience.
Friday 22nd February
Seminar: "New Churches for New Communities"
The Archbishop of Canterbury attended a seminar of local clergy and St George's Church, Chesterton, to discussion the challenges of setting up new churches in the new housing developments growing up in the region.
Visit to the Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams visited the Sanger Institute to view the work being undertaken and discuss the themes of science and the human person and current issues in bio-ethics.
Visit to the Emmaus Community, Landbeach
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York spent Friday afternoon looking at the Churches' response to homelessness by visiting the Emmaus Community; a home for up to thirty people who were formerly homeless which provides not only shelter but work in accordance with the principles of acceptance, sharing, working for others of greater need and self respect.
Archbishop's seminar: "Faith in the Future"
In summary of their lectures in Cambridge, the Archbishops took part in a seminar at Great St Mary's Church chaired by Madeline Bunting entitled 'Faith in the Future'. This was an opportunity for the Archbishops to recap the themes of their previous lectures, provide a reflection on the experiences of their visit and answer questions that have been submitted over the previous days with the aim to provide a vision for the future.