Items tagged with: Sermons
May 2009
Sermon of Dedication of the New Church of St John
10 May 2009
The Archbishoph preached at a service held at the Church of St John, Vere, Clarendon, Jamaica.

Sermon on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council
3 May 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, preached at the service held at the National Arena,…
April 2009
Sermon celebrating Saint Anselm of Canterbury
23 April 2009
A sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury at a Eucharist held at Canterbury Cathedral, attended by the…
Archbishop's Easter Sermon 2009 - 'Proof of the resurrection has to be lived, not argued'
12 April 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, reminds Christians that belief in God is about living…
February 2009
Primates Meeting begins with celebration in Egypt
2 February 2009
The first day of the Primates Meeting in Alexandria has ended with the dedication of St. Mark's pro-Cathedral…
January 2009
Archbishop's Libya visit in pictures
28 January 2009
As part of a visit to North Africa, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd & Rt Hon Dr Rowan Williams…
Archbishop preaches Hulsean Sermon 'Seeing the Question: Revelation and Self-Knowledge'
25 January 2009
Given before the University of Cambridge at Great St Mary's Church, as part of his pastoral visit to…
Archbishop's Inaugural Eucharist of the 900th Anniversary celebrations of the Diocese of Ely
24 January 2009
A sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Inaugural Eucharist of the 900th Anniversary celebrations…
Sermon at Vespers in Westminster Cathedral during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
22 January 2009
The service was the last event attended by Cardinal Murphy O'Connor as one of the four co-presidents…
December 2008
Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas sermon 2008
25 December 2008
In his Christmas sermon at Canterbury Cathedral, the Archbishop of Canterbury says that one of the lessons…
November 2008
Archbishop's sermon at Birmingham Cathedral
16 November 2008
The Archbishop's sermon preached at St Philip's Cathedral in Birmingham.

Archbishop's Remembrance Service at Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, HM Tower of London
9 November 2008
A Sermon preached by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, on Remembrance Sunday.
October 2008
Sermon at Chichester Cathedral commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Bishop George Bell
5 October 2008
Sermon given by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Chichester Cathedral at a Eucharist commemorating the…
September 2008

Archbishop's sermon at the 750th anniversary of the consecration of Salisbury Cathedral
28 September 2008
Dr Rowan Williams celebrated the anniversary by leading the Cathedral's worship and re-dedicating the…
Sermon at the Sunday Eucharist in Salisbury Cathedral on Feast of the Cathedral's Dedication
28 September 2008
This was one of two sermons given by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, during a visit…