Items tagged with: Sermons
August 2006
Cenedl, Cymuned, Cyfiwander - Sermon at the Eisteddfod
6 August 2006
The following sermon, in Welsh, was delivered by the Archbishop at the annual Eisteddfod festival in…
July 2006
Sermon - Church of England's General Synod July 2006
9 July 2006
The following sermon was given by the Archbishop in York Minster, during the July 2006 Group of Sessions…
June 2006
Sermon at the Festival of St Albans
24 June 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave this sermon at St Albans Cathedral after taking…
Sermon on the 80th Birthday of The Queen
15 June 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury's sermon on the occasion of the Service of Thanksgiving for the Eightieth…
May 2006
Nursing, Dignity and Florence Nightingale - Sermon at Westminster Abbey
10 May 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said that respect for the individual needs to be…
April 2006

A Sermon for Shakespeare Sunday
23 April 2006
A sermon by the the Archbishop of Canterbury on poetry and prophesy for the birthday of William Shakespeare.…
Easter Day Sermon 2006 - Conspiracy Theories Don't Match Up to the Truth of the Gospel
16 April 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has dismissed claims that newly-discovered ancient texts…
March 2006
The Martyrdom of Thomas Cranmer - Sermon at Service to Commemorate the 450th Anniversary
21 March 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave the following sermon at the invitation of the Prayer…
February 2006
Address to worshippers in the compound of the Episcopal Church of Sudan, Khartoum
26 February 2006
The Archbishop visited southern Sudan to offer support to Christian communities and to those projects…
Sudan - Sermon at a Displaced Person's Camp in Khartoum
26 February 2006
The Archbishop visited southern Sudan, to offer support to Christian communities and to those projects…
Archbishop's Sermon at Eucharist Service, General Synod, February 2006
7 February 2006
The Church of England's governing body, the General Synod, met in London in February 2006. Proceedings…
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Centenary Service - Sermon at St Matthaus Church, Berlin
5 February 2006
The English translation of a German sermon delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,…
January 2006

Rudyard Kipling Sermon
22 January 2006
A sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, given at a service to mark the 70th anniversary…
December 2005
Archbishop's Christmas Day Sermon 2005
25 December 2005
A Christmas Day sermon delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at Canterbury Cathedral.
Sermon at the Centenary Service for Diocese of Birmingham
4 December 2005
A sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, for the Centenary Service for the Diocese…