Items tagged with: Nikæan Club and Nikæan Ecumenical Trust
October 2012

Revd Canon Malcolm Bradshaw's Sermon at the annual Eucharist of the Nikaean Club
18 October 2012
A sermon preached by the Revd Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, senior Anglican Chaplain, Athens, at the annual…
September 2012
Rosemary Spencer's speech at Nikaean Club Farewell Dinner
27 September 2012
The full text of Rosemary Spencer's speech at Nikaean Club Farewell Dinner is below:
Dame Mary Tanner's speech at Nikaean Club Farewell Dinner
27 September 2012
The full text of Dame Mary Tanner's speech at the Nikaean Club Farewell Dinner is below:
June 2012

Nikaean Club dinner in honour of Cardinal Koch
11 June 2012
A gathering of the Nikaean Club was held at Lambeth Palace in honour of Cardinal Koch’s visit from…
July 2008
The Archbishop's address at a Dinner given by the Nikæan Club
29 July 2008
The dinner was attended by all the ecumenical participants present at the Conference on 29 July. The…
April 2008

Archbishop at BibleLands conference - 'more dramatic and more costly' change for Christians in the Middle East
16 April 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, hosted and addressed a conference at Lambeth Palace…
June 2004
Visit of His Holiness Karekin II to the Archbishop of Canterbury
9 June 2004
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, will host a five-day visit from His Holiness Karekin…