Items tagged with: Italy
August 2012

Applicants sought for post in Rome
14 August 2012
Applications are invited for the post of Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See…
March 2012

Monks and Mission: a perspective from England
12 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the following address at the Abbey of Monte Cassino during his…

Monastic Virtues and Ecumenical Hopes - Archbishop's address at San Gregorio Magno
11 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the following address at San Gregorio Magno al Celio at a conference…

Archbishop's sermon at St Paul's Within the Walls, Rome
11 March 2012
Speaking to the Anglican congregations in Rome at St Paul's 'Within the Walls', Archbishop Rowan Williams…

Archbishop's homily at Papal Vespers, San Gregorio Magno al Celio
10 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI led evening prayer together at the Church of San Gregorio…

Archbishop's interview with Vatican Radio
10 March 2012
On the first day of a 3-day visit to Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury was interviewed by Philippa Hitchen…

Archbishop and Pope to pray together during Rome visit
9 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI will lead evening prayer together at the Church of San…
October 2011

Archbishop's interview with Vatican Radio: 'from Assisi to Zimbabwe'
28 October 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams spoke to Vatican Radio during his visit to Italy for the day of reflection,…
September 2009
Spiritual Struggle in the Orthodox Tradition
9 September 2009
A message from the Archbishop of Canterbury to Prior Enzo and the Community of the Monastery of Bose…
May 2008

Archbishop's Reflections on the 7th Building Bridges Seminar
9 May 2008
This is a unique annual series which brings together a range of internationally recognised Christian…

Archbishop to convene the 7th Building Bridges seminar in Rome
2 May 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to convene the 7th Building Bridges Seminar in Rome…
March 2008
Archbishop's tribute to Chiara Lubich
14 March 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury paid tribute Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, whose death…
May 2005
'The Mission for L'Arche Today' - Address at L'Arche International Federation Meeting
29 May 2005
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivers an address at the L'Arche International Federation…