Items tagged with: Ecumenical
March 2012

Monks and Mission: a perspective from England
12 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the following address at the Abbey of Monte Cassino during his…

Monastic Virtues and Ecumenical Hopes - Archbishop's address at San Gregorio Magno
11 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the following address at San Gregorio Magno al Celio at a conference…

Archbishop's homily at Papal Vespers, San Gregorio Magno al Celio
10 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI led evening prayer together at the Church of San Gregorio…

Archbishop's interview with Vatican Radio
10 March 2012
On the first day of a 3-day visit to Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury was interviewed by Philippa Hitchen…

Archbishop and Pope to pray together during Rome visit
9 March 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI will lead evening prayer together at the Church of San…

Ecumenical and International Development gatherings in Geneva
1 March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury travelled to Geneva for a three day visit (27th February – 1st March)…
February 2012

Human Rights and Religious Faith
28 February 2012
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights has made a profound impact in fighting injustice and is…
'Unity is God's gift to the church' - WCC roundtable in Geneva
28 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, in Geneva for a series of ecumenical and international development meetings,…

The Queen attends multi-faith reception at Lambeth Palace
15 February 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams hosted a multi-faith reception for Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh…
Faith communities display sacred objects to the Queen
15 February 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury welcomed HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh to a multi-faith event…

Joint Church of England and United Reformed Church service of reconciliation and commitment
7 February 2012
The United Reformed Church and the Church of England participated in a Service of Reconciliation, Healing…

Archbishop's meetings with religious leaders in Jerusalem
3 February 2012
Following a personal pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the Archbishop of Canterbury participated in a number…
January 2012

Presidents of Churches Together in England herald 'year of celebrations in England'
26 January 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury has joined the other Presidents of 'Churches Together in England' in heralding…

Palestinian President meets Christian leaders
17 January 2012
Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, met with representatives of Christian Churches in the…

Archbishop's message at Memorial Service for victims of violence in Egypt
8 January 2012
A Memorial Service for victims of the bombing in Alexandria, Egypt, has been held in the Coptic Orthodox…