Items tagged with: Government & Parliament
May 2009
Ethics and expenses: Times article
23 May 2009
The following article by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, appeared in the Times on 29th…
April 2009
Archbishop contributes to IPPR G20 publication
1 April 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has contributed to '20 on the G20' - a pamphlet published…
March 2009
G20 leaders must not forget promises to the poor - Religious Leaders Communiqué
30 March 2009
Today religious leaders in Britain urged the G20 leaders not to forget their commitments to the world's…
Lambeth Palace hosts DFID White Paper consultation
18 March 2009
Lambeth Palace yesterday hosted a consultation between faith communities and the UK Government's Department…
February 2009
First Inter Parliamentary Conference on anti-Semitism reception held at Lambeth Palace
19 February 2009
On behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, The Rt Revd Nigel McCulloch, Bishop of…
November 2008
Archbishop's speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet 2008
10 November 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave the following speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet
July 2008
Keep the Promise - Millennium Development Goals
24 July 2008
The Archbishop's speech, given at Lambeth Palace after the Walk of Witness, prior to an address by the…
Archbishop Welcomes Government Announcement on Credit Unions
2 July 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has today welcomed an announcement by the Treasury that…
June 2008

Newsnight Interview on Childhood
9 June 2008
The Archbishop shares his concerns about the treatment of children in the criminal justice system, the…
May 2008

Government and business leaders talk climate change at Lambeth Palace
13 May 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and the Bishop of London the Rt. Revd Richard Chartres…
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill - Archbishop's Mail on Sunday article
11 May 2008
Article by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in The Mail on Sunday.
April 2008
Archbishop - Protect the poorest from the effects of economic downturn - House of Lords debate
25 April 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has today called on the government to do more to protect…
February 2008
Archbishops' response to Government consultation on blasphemy
29 February 2008
As the Government publishes its amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill to abolish the blasphemy laws,…
Presidential Address to the Opening of General Synod February 2008
11 February 2008
Videos and transcripts of the presidential address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams,…
Archbishop's lecture - Civil and Religious Law in England: a religious perspective
7 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams delivers the foundation lecture in the Temple Festival…