Items tagged with: United States of America
January 2010
Visit to New York
31 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was a keynote participant at Trinity Institute's 40th…

Archbishop of Canterbury meets UN Secretary General
27 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams spent 45 minutes with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki…
December 2009
Archbishop of Canterbury's Statement on Los Angeles Episcopal Elections
6 December 2009
Following the election of Mary Glasspool as suffragan bishop elect.
July 2009
Communion, Covenant and our Anglican Future
27 July 2009
Reflections on the Episcopal Church's 2009 General Convention from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the…
Sermon preached during a Eucharist at the General Convention
9 July 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury preached during a service at the General Convention of The Episcopal Church,…
April 2007
Archbishop to Visit U.S. Church
16 April 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has announced that he intends to visit the United States…
March 2007
Anglican Communion Challenges Require 'Generosity and Patience' - Archbishop's Letter to Primates
5 March 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said that generosity and patience will be required…
December 2006
Cautious Welcome for TEC Proposals
1 December 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has given a cautious welcome to proposals outlined by…
November 2006
Archbishop's Greeting to Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on her Installation as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
4 November 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, sent the following message of greeting to the new Presiding…
September 2006
Archbishop's Response to New York Statement by TEC
13 September 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has responded today to the statement issued earlier…
June 2006
'Greetings and Prayers' for New U.S Presiding Bishop
19 June 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has today issued a statement on the election of the Rt…
Archbishop of Canterbury's Greeting to the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America
13 June 2006
A greeting from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, given to the House of Bishops and the…
March 2006
Justice and Rights - Fifth Building Bridges Seminar, Opening Remarks
28 March 2006
This speech, given by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at Healy Hall, Georgetown University,…
Christian-Muslim Building Bridges Forum to Tackle Justice and Rights
23 March 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to convene the fifth 'Building Bridges' seminar in…
November 2005
Archbishop - 'friendly but candid' meeting with Bishop Gene Robinson
3 November 2005
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, held a meeting this morning with Bishop Gene Robinson…