Items tagged with: Unity, Faith and Order
March 2011
Archbishop's Lent letter 2011
12 March 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has written a Lent letter addressed to the Primates…
May 2010
Archbishop of Canterbury's Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion
28 May 2010
In his Pentecost letter to the Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury encourages Anglicans…
November 2009
Anglican - Roman Catholic Relations: A statement from the Informal Talks
26 November 2009
Following the meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,…
Archbishop's address at a Willebrands Symposium in Rome
19 November 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury is today giving an address in Rome, as the guest of the Pontifical Council…
July 2009
Communion, Covenant and our Anglican Future
27 July 2009
Reflections on the Episcopal Church's 2009 General Convention from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the…
August 2008
Press reports on the Archbishop's correspondence
8 August 2008
In response to the recent coverage of the correspondence dated back to 2000, The Archbishop Canterbury…
Final press conference at the Lambeth Conference
3 August 2008
A press conference with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, held on Sunday August 3rd 2008…
June 2007

Time Magazine Interview
18 June 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury is on the front cover of the European and African editions of Time Magazine.…
March 2007
Anglican Communion Challenges Require 'Generosity and Patience' - Archbishop's Letter to Primates
5 March 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said that generosity and patience will be required…
February 2007
Why the Anglican Communion Matters
23 February 2007
The following article appeared in the Daily Telegraph on Friday 23rd February, 2007. It followed on from…
June 2006
The Challenge and Hope of Being an Anglican Today: A Reflection for the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful of the Anglican Communion
27 June 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has today set out his thinking on the future of the Anglican…
Coekin Appeal Allowed
5 June 2006
The Archbishop of Canterbury has today allowed an appeal by the Revd Richard Coekin against the summary…
March 2006
The Guardian Interview
21 March 2006
Transcript of a wide-ranging interview given to Alan Rusbridger, for the Guardian newspaper. Topics covered…
October 2005
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
28 October 2005
Archbishop's Address to the 3rd Global South to South Encounter Ain al Sukhna, Egypt
June 2005
Archbishop's Presidential Address - 13th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council
20 June 2005
An address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at the 13th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative…