Items tagged with: Sudan
October 2012

Joint letter to Catholic and Anglican Archbishops of Juba
18 October 2012
The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,…

Archbishop urges help for Sudanese caught up in conflict
9 October 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed his fear for the situation of more than 850,000 people displaced…
July 2012

Peace is the only option for Sudan and South Sudan, says Archbishop
6 July 2012
"Peace is the only option which can allow the flourishing of South Sudan and its neighbour Sudan," the…
May 2012

Archbishop's message to the Episcopal and Catholic Bishops of South Sudan
11 May 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has sent a message of support to a meeting of Episcopal…
June 2011

Archbishop's statement on South Kordofan, Sudan
14 June 2011
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has released the following statement regarding recent…
January 2011
Archbishop calls for prayer for Sudan Referendum
7 January 2011
In advance of the Sudan Referendum on Southern Independence on Sunday 9th January, the Archbishop of…
October 2010

Archbishop: Sudan more serious as days go by
7 October 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams and The Archbishop of Sudan, Daniel Deng, have warned…
January 2010

Archbishop of Canterbury meets UN Secretary General
27 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams spent 45 minutes with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki…

Archbishops' urgent plea for Sudan
11 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, together with the Archbishop of Sudan, the Most Revd Daniel Deng visiting…
October 2009
Archbishop welcomes the work of microfinance charity, Five Talents
30 October 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury and a priest from Southern Sudan yesterday promoted the benefits of microfinance…
Archbishop supports the work of charity Five Talents
29 October 2009
At a reception in aid of Five Talents, Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, welcomed guests…
June 2009
Archbishop calls for commitment to sustainable peace in Sudan
18 June 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has issued a statement in support of today's 'Sudan…
December 2007
Brief Press Encounter at Singapore University
4 December 2007
The Archbishop responds to press questions about the content of the Building Bridges seminar, the environment…
November 2007
Transcript of Newsnight Interview Concerning Events in Sudan
29 November 2007
The Archbishop is interviewed by the BBC's Religious Affairs correspondent about the jailing of a teacher…
January 2007
New Year Message 2007 - 'Hunger for Justice Will Change the World'.
1 January 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has said that we need to feel the same hunger for justice…