Items tagged with: Society & Community
November 2008
Archbishop's address to Faith Leaders in Birmingham
16 November 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury's address to Faith Leaders at Birmingham Council House, during his visit…
Archbishop's speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet 2008
10 November 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gave the following speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet
Archbishop's lecture celebrating 60th Anniversary of the William Temple Foundation
5 November 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivered the final lecture in a series celebrating…
September 2008
Archbishop's article on the financial crisis
27 September 2008
Taken from The Spectator - 27th September 2008
July 2008
Welcome for Lord Chief Justice Remarks on Sharia Law
4 July 2008
Lambeth Palace has welcomed the speech given yesterday by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales,…
June 2008
Archbishop preaches at 400th Anniversary of the Granting of the Royal Charter
24 June 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury preached at a service to mark the 400th Anniversary of the Granting of the…
Interview with GMTV Sunday Progamme
15 June 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams was interviewed by Lord Chris Smith for the GMTV Sunday…

Newsnight Interview on Childhood
9 June 2008
The Archbishop shares his concerns about the treatment of children in the criminal justice system, the…
Early Christianity & Today: some shared questions
4 June 2008
In a lecture held at Gresham College, the Archbishop discusses and dissolves the assumptions and accusations…
May 2008
Archbishop reviews Philip Bobbitt's new book
17 May 2008
Dr Williams reviews Philip Bobbitt's new book, 'Terror and Consent: The Wars for the Twenty-first Century'…
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill - Archbishop's Mail on Sunday article
11 May 2008
Article by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in The Mail on Sunday.
'A higher responsibility' - Interview with Paul Richardson
8 May 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams was interviewed by Bishop Paul Richardson for the Church…

Archbishop - Religious Faith and Human Rights
1 May 2008
Tonight the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams will give a lecture at the London School of…
April 2008
Interview with Radio 4 'Today' programme on credit, debt & inequality
25 April 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams spoke to John Humphrys on Radio 4's 'Today' program…

Archbishop Pays Visit to The Deptford Churches Centre and 999 Club Homeless Centres
24 April 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury is Patron to both homeless charities in Deptford and visited them to meet…