Items tagged with: Society & Community
September 2007
Daily Telegraph Interview
12 September 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was interviewed by Alice Thomson and Rachel Sylvester…
Faith Communities in a Civil Society - Christian Perspectives
10 September 2007
In a lecture to the Christian Muslim Forum Conference in King's College Chapel, Cambridge, Dr Rowan Williams,…
June 2007

Time Magazine Interview
18 June 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury is on the front cover of the European and African editions of Time Magazine.…
May 2007
Today Programme: Child Protection
25 May 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme about…
Multiculturism: Friend or Foe - Archbishop's lecture
16 May 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, delivers an address at London's Toynbee Hall, in which…
Christianity: Public Religion and the Common Good
12 May 2007
The following lecture was given by the Archbishop at St Andrew's Cathedral in Singapore.
Christians Should Stand for Hope in Conflict
8 May 2007
Christian communities in the middle of conflict need to stand for hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation,…
April 2007
Archbishop to Give Inaugural Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture
26 April 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, will give the inaugural Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture…
Politics, Morality and Leadership: Newsnight With Gavin Esler
25 April 2007
A transcript of the interview conducted by Gavin Esler and transmitted on BBC2's Newsnight programme…
Moral Vision Should be at the Heart of Politics
24 April 2007
In his lecture in Hull, the birthplace of William Wilberforce - the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan…
'Freedom and Slavery' - Wilberforce Lecture 2007
24 April 2007
In an address given at the invitation of the Wilberforce Lecture Trust, at the City Hall in Hull, the…
March 2007
House of Lords Speech Opposing 'Super Casinos'
28 March 2007
The Archbishop spoke in the debate on gambling and super casinos and, along with the Bishop of Southwell…
Slavery is 'God's Grief' - Sermon at Westminster Abbey
27 March 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has said the enslavement of human beings is the greatest…
Reparations for Slavery - Press Briefing from Lambeth Palace
26 March 2007
Some news reports today [Monday 26th March 2007] have suggested that Dr Rowan Williams is calling for…
Slavery and Freedom: Address to Worshippers on the Walk of Witness
24 March 2007
The Archbishop of Canterbury's address to worshippers at an open air service in Kennington Park. The…