Post Secular Politics? Inter Faith Relations and Civic Practice

Thursday 4th June 2009
The Lambeth Inter Faith Lecture was delivered by Luke Bretherton, Senior Lecturer in Theology & Politics at King's College London, with questions and answers afterwards with the Archbishop.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams invited Dr Luke Bretherton to give the 2009 Lambeth Inter Faith lecture which was entitled "Post secular politics? Inter Faith Relations and Civic Practice".
The Lambeth Inter Faith Lecture has been taking place since 1977. This year's keynote speaker was Dr Luke Bretherton. His areas of research are political theology and Christian ethics, and his methodology is inter-disciplinary in approach and draws on theology, political philosophy and the social sciences.
The Archbishop introduced Luke: "His reflections, especially in the last few years, on the relationship between Church and State, and on how the Church's self-understanding contributes to our social future, have been of unusual penetration and range."
Dr Bretherton addressed the guests by saying, "It's a huge honour and pleasure to be addressing you here this evening. I'm very, very grateful and honoured for the introduction by the Archbishop".
Questions were put to both the Archbishop of Canterbury and Dr Luke Bretherton after his address.
Click downloads on the right to listen to Dr Luke Bretherton's address [41Mb] and the question session afterwards [34Mb], and to read the transcripts.