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Putting the Big Ethical Issues Back on the Agenda - Guardian debate

Friday 26th February 2010

At the British Museum Diane Coyle, Michael Sandell and Rowan Williams asked how we can regain our ability to reason ethically.

The banking crisis and the MPs' expenses scandal have left people with a profound sense of injustice and exposed how we have been neglecting basic ethical questions of justice, integrity and honesty. In their place we have used a language of market efficiency and managerialism.

Why have we become so reluctant to discuss the big ethical issues? And can we afford to ignore them? As part of the Citizen ethics programme, the Guardian brought three prominent thinkers together at the British Museum, all with a keen interest in ethics: Diane Coyle an economist, writer and former adviser to the Treasury; Michael Sandel, a political philosopher and professor at Harvard University; and Rowan Williams , the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Click link on the right to listen to the debate [42Mb]

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