Archbishop attends London 2012 Paralympic Games

Thursday 6th September 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury attended the London 2012 Paralympic Games on Thursday 6th September.Hosted by Canon Duncan Green, Head of Multi-faith Chaplaincy Services, Dr Williams' visit began at the Athletes' Village where he was greeted by London 2012 volunteers and shown some of the facilities that were available for athletes during their stay at the village.
Archbishop Rowan was invited to sign the 'Truce Wall' - an Olympic custom that draws on the truce that was called between those who took part in the Ancient Olympic Games and which continues to demonstrate the Olympic commitment to peace.
At the multi-faith chaplaincy centre in the Athletes' Village, Dr Williams visited some of the prayer rooms the had been provided for members of different faiths during the games and met chaplains from different religious communities.
Dr Williams also visited the Aquatics Centre where he was delighted to join in singing the National Anthem as Josef Craig was presented with the gold medal for the Mens 400m Freestyle F7.
The visit finished in the Olympic Stadium, where the Archbishop joined the roaring crown as Hannah Cockroft won gold for Great Britain in the Womens 200m T34 final.
Reflecting on London 2012, Archbishop Rowan said:
"There’s a remarkable and very moving sense that this country remains a background for great things - that we do have some corporate confidence in ourselves, our history, our identity. We are able to recognise what I can only call nobility, and the Olympics and the Paralympics have really underlined this."
The Archbishop also attended the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games on Sunday September 9th.