Christian Aid Week 2012

Friday 11th May 2012
Archbishop Rowan Williams has made the following statement in support of Christian Aid Week 2012, which runs from 13th-19th May.
The Archbishop's message follows:
Christian Aid Week is an extraordinary witness to the commitment of churches and communities across the United Kingdom to call for justice and an end to poverty in our world. 22,000 churches work together to demonstrate God's calling to stand in loving solidarity with the world's poor and marginalised - through prayer, action and generous giving.
Last year I visited a community in Kenya where Christian Aid is supporting the Anglican Church's work with farmers in adapting their practices in the face of climate change. In a region which has faced the threat of hunger, these communities now have the skills and resources to feed their families - and to live in dignity and hope.
I strongly encourage churches and communities to get actively involved with Christian Aid Week this May - to work together, recognising humanity's inter-dependence and its potential for profound change, as we seek God's vision of a restored and transformed world.
The Archbishop will celebrate the work of Christian Aid with an event at Lambeth Palace on June 13th.
The Church of England is one of Christian Aid’s 41 sponsoring Churches in Britain and Ireland.