Archbishop's sorrow at death of Pope Shenouda III

Monday 19th March 2012
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has expressed his sorrow on learning of the death of His Holiness, Pope Shenouda III."The news of the death of His Holiness, Pope Shenouda III is a great sorrow to the Christian communities not only of Egypt but of many nations. His Holiness has been an exemplary and outstanding Christian leader both within Egypt and far beyond its boundaries. His long ministry in the See of St Mark has seen the most extraordinary revival in the Coptic Orthodox Church, not least in its monastic life; and his own personal witness as a man of prayer, a peacemaker, a teacher of the faith and a disciple willing to suffer for the sake of his Lord has been an inspiration. I have had the privilege of meeting with him on numerous occasions since the late seventies, and have always found in him a depth of Christian love, welcome and wisdom. He has shepherded his flock through very difficult times, always accessible to his people and keenly aware of the pressures they have faced and still face today. He has been a good friend to the Anglican community in Egypt and to the Communion at large. We thank God for this great servant of his and commend him to God’s grace, praying too for the continuing safety and wellbeing of our beloved brothers, sisters and friends, the bishops, clergy, monks and faithful of the Coptic Church."