Archbishop of Canterbury arrives in Zambia

Tuesday 11th October 2011
Archbishop Rowan Williams arrived on Tuesday morning in Lusaka, Zambia, for the final stage of his visit to the Church of the Province of Central Africa.After being garlanded at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, the Archbishop told the assembled journalists that Zambia had a strong Christian heritage from the beginning of Independence, and the nation was founded on Christian values of peace, justice and democratic rights for all.
Dr Williams was whisked off straight to State House to meet with the newly elected President Sata before going on to have a very cordial meeting with Dr Kenneth Kaunda, founding father of the nation.
Speaking about the Anglican Church in Zambia, Dr Kaunda said:
“We live in a world of competing interests, a world that desperately needs spiritual guidance and healing so that we can live in peace as brothers and sisters irrespective of race, colour, tribe or even faith”.
He went on to say:
“In my humble view, the Anglican Church has played an important role fulfilling our shared objective to live in peace and harmony in this our one world”.
(L-R) Bishop David Njovu, Archbishop Rowan Williams, Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Archbishop Albert Chama
The Archbishop went on to visit the Cathedral of the Holy Cross where he was entertained by the Mothers’ Union choir and the Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades and caught up with ecumenical friends based in Lusaka, before heading off to the Copperbelt.
Archbishop Rowan with the Girls' and Boys' Brigades in Lusaka, Zambia