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This is an archived website containing material relating to Dr Rowan Williams’ time as Archbishop of Canterbury, which ended on 31st December 2012

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Archbishop 'delighted' by news of appointment of Archbishop Vincent Nichols as Archbishop of Westminster

Friday 3rd April 2009

The Archbishop of Canterbury has today welcomed the announcement of the appointment of Archbishop Vincent Nichols as Archbishop of Westminster.

"I am delighted to welcome the news of Archbishop Vincent Nichols' appointment to succeed His Eminence Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor as Archbishop of Westminster.  He is a thoroughly experienced pastor, already well-known and much appreciated in the archdiocese, with a proven commitment to Christian education, ecumenical co-operation and shared Christian witness to our society.  I look forward greatly to working more closely with someone who is already a valued friend and colleague.  I am confident that we shall be able to continue the warm and close relations between our churches that have developed over recent years, and I wish him every blessing and success in this new ministry."

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