Press releases
January 2010

Visit to New York
Sunday 31 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was a keynote participant at Trinity Institute's 40th…

Archbishop at World Economic Forum in Davos
Sunday 31 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, lead the Closing Session of the World Economic Forum…
Archbishop's Holocaust Memorial Day Statement 2010: The Legacy of Hope
Wednesday 27 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has issued a statement to mark National Holocaust Memorial…

Archbishop of Canterbury meets UN Secretary General
Wednesday 27 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams spent 45 minutes with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki…
Archbishop's message of support for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti
Thursday 14 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury has given a message of support to the people of Haiti affected by the devastation…

Archbishops' urgent plea for Sudan
Monday 11 January 2010
The Archbishop of Canterbury, together with the Archbishop of Sudan, the Most Revd Daniel Deng visiting…
The Archbishop of Canterbury's New Year Message 2010
Friday 1 January 2010
In his BBC New Year Message the Archbishop of Canterbury sets out that in this global society we now…
December 2009
Worshippers barred from churches on Christmas Day
Sunday 27 December 2009
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have condemned the recent resurgence of police intimidation of…

Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas sermon 2009 - Christmas teaches us joy of dependence
Friday 25 December 2009
Society's rush to create independent citizens is crushing and narrowing children's experiences of childhood,…
'Act for the sake of love': Archbishop preaches in Copenhagen Cathedral
Sunday 13 December 2009
"We cannot show the right kind of love for our fellow-humans unless we also work at keeping the earth…
Archbishop of Canterbury's Statement on Los Angeles Episcopal Elections
Sunday 6 December 2009
Following the election of Mary Glasspool as suffragan bishop elect.
November 2009
Archbishop's World AIDS Day Message 2009 "A space for hope"
Monday 30 November 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has released his 2009 World Aids Day video, in which…
Anglican - Roman Catholic Relations: A statement from the Informal Talks
Thursday 26 November 2009
Following the meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams,…
Statement on DRC violence from Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of Congo and Bishop of Winchester
Thursday 19 November 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of the Anglican Province of Congo and the Bishop of Winchester…
Archbishop's address at a Willebrands Symposium in Rome
Thursday 19 November 2009
The Archbishop of Canterbury is today giving an address in Rome, as the guest of the Pontifical Council…
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