February 2008
Archbishop's farewell tribute - Bishop of Sheffield
Thursday 14 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave a farewell speech at the General Synod to mark the retirement of the…
Archbishop's farewell tribute to Bishop of Truro
Thursday 14 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave a farewell speech at the General Synod to mark the retirement of the…
The Archbishop's Speech on Gambling at the General Synod
Wednesday 13 February 2008
The Archbishop spoke on the subject of gambling at the General Synod in London 2008. The video and transcript…
Debate on a Covenant for the Anglican Communion
Wednesday 13 February 2008
Archbishop's Contribution at the General Synod
Presidential Address to the Opening of General Synod February 2008
Monday 11 February 2008
Videos and transcripts of the presidential address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams,…
'Sharia law' - What did the Archbishop actually say?
Friday 8 February 2008
There has been a strong reaction in the media and elsewhere to the Archbishop of Canterbury's remarks…
Archbishop's lecture - Civil and Religious Law in England: a religious perspective
Thursday 7 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams delivers the foundation lecture in the Temple Festival…
Civil and Religious Law in England lecture - Question and Answer session
Thursday 7 February 2008
Transcript of the question and answer session following the Archbishop's lecture at the Royal Courts…
Archbishop Criticises 'Indefensible' Treatment of Young People in Prison
Wednesday 6 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury has called upon the government to look critically at the use of strip-searching…
January 2008
Archbishop's lecture - Religious Hatred and Religious Offence
Tuesday 29 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gives the James Callaghan Memorial lecture entitled…

Archbishop's Holocaust Memorial Day Statement 2008
Monday 28 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave the following statement at the national Holocaust Memorial Day event…
Archbishop's Liverpool lecture: Europe, Faith and Culture
Saturday 26 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, gave a lecture entitled 'Europe, Faith and Culture'…
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill - House of Lords Report Stage
Tuesday 15 January 2008
The Archbishop attended the first day in the House of Lords of the Report Stage of the Human Fertilisation…
Archbishop's New Year Message 2008 - God 'Doesn't Do Waste'
Tuesday 1 January 2008
Video and full text of Archbishop Rowan Williams' New Year Message, on the theme of care for the environment…
December 2007
Archbishop's Christmas Eve 'Thought for the Day' on BBC Radio 4
Monday 24 December 2007
The Archbishop reflects on continuing conflict in the Holy Land and how an answer might be found by recognising…