Press releases
February 2008
Debate on a Covenant for the Anglican Communion
Wednesday 13 February 2008
Archbishop's Contribution at the General Synod

Archbishop Hosts China-UK Seminar on Religion and Society
Tuesday 12 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury hosted a study day with Chinese and British academics to consider the topic…
Archbishop appoints Windsor Continuation Group
Tuesday 12 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury announced the formation of the Windsor Continuation Group (WCG), as proposed…
Archbishop Praises Mission-Shaped Questions Book
Tuesday 12 February 2008
'Mission-shaped Questions' is a new book of fifteen essays all examining issues raised by the Fresh Expressions…
Presidential Address to the Opening of General Synod February 2008
Monday 11 February 2008
Videos and transcripts of the presidential address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams,…
'Sharia law' - What did the Archbishop actually say?
Friday 8 February 2008
There has been a strong reaction in the media and elsewhere to the Archbishop of Canterbury's remarks…
Archbishop's lecture - Civil and Religious Law in England: a religious perspective
Thursday 7 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams delivers the foundation lecture in the Temple Festival…
Archbishop on Radio 4 World at One - UK law needs to find accommodation with religious law codes
Thursday 7 February 2008
An interview with Christopher Landau of the BBC Radio 4 'World at One' programme, on the Temple lecture…
Archbishop Criticises 'Indefensible' Treatment of Young People in Prison
Wednesday 6 February 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury has called upon the government to look critically at the use of strip-searching…

Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2008
Wednesday 6 February 2008
The Archbishop's Foreword for this year's Lent Book.
January 2008
Archbishop's tribute to His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece
Wednesday 30 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid tribute to His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos, the Archbishop…
Archbishop's lecture - Religious Hatred and Religious Offence
Tuesday 29 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, gives the James Callaghan Memorial lecture entitled…

Archbishop's Holocaust Memorial Day Statement 2008
Monday 28 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury gave the following statement at the national Holocaust Memorial Day event…
Archbishop to visit Liverpool
Thursday 24 January 2008
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to visit Liverpool this weekend. During his visit…
Archbishops of Canterbury and York to Reach New Audiences Through Website Revamp
Tuesday 22 January 2008
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Dr Rowan Williams and Dr John Sentamu,have launched new websites…
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